Reversed Incubator




Thursday, 16 February, 2023

Partner responsible: 


The Reversed Incubator (RI) training initiative intends to design and develop new business opportunities (e.g. start-up, enterprise, company, …) starting from the needs/opportunities of innovation expressed by existing companies or enterprises. These innovation needs (or “challenges”) are then developed into ideas by talents under the supervision of mentors within a business-oriented training (using the “FORTH methodology”) and co-creation project development framework. The Reversed Incubator promotes the creation of new business ideas by combining different players and, in particular, existing companies, universities, research centres and training experts, each of them with specific roles and activities to develop. Talents (e.g. bachelor and master students, PhDs, ...) under the supervision of mentors (or experts, e.g. teachers, researchers, trainers, professionals, etc.) interact with the company owners (or entrepreneurs) to implement the fixed challenge and develop the innovative solution and business idea. Overall this methodological approach is aimed to improve the entrepreneurial and professional-oriented skills of the talents by practicing them during project development while companies can benefit from the inspiring environment to promote their innovation. The RI has been designed and piloted within the Erasmus+ KA2 ASKFOOD and currently embedded in teh Master degree in Food Science and TEchnology of UNITE.



